The readiness of the U.S. Army has received a lot of much needed attention under the current leadership of Army Chief of Staff Gen. Mark A. Milley. “Readiness was our priority last year, that’s our priority this year and by necessity, that needs to continue to be our priority,” Milley said.
To this end, the Army’s organic depots and arsenals are crucial logistics maintenance and manufacturing providers that support the Army. CTG has engaged in an aggressive engagement plan to provide parts obsolescence and capital investment support to the depots and arsenals to help with operational readiness.
To date, CTG has provided parts support for tracked vehicles at Anniston Army Depot, C4ISR support to Tobyhanna Army Deport, and support to several Army programs at Letterkenny Army Depot. This support directly impacts the operational readiness of existing Army equipment, much of which is legacy equipment with extended life cycles.
In addition to parts support, CTG has also offered support for capital improvements. Recently, CTG competed to provide a new and improved Generator Test Stand for Anniston Army Depot. The new test stand will test 3 different generators types on the same machine using the newest technology.
At CTG, we understand the importance of operational readiness for the U.S. Army. CTG stands ready to support the Army’s industrial base in this incredibly important effort for the security of our Nation.